Sister Pam Hinkle


About the artist:
For as long as I can remember I have engaged in one way or another in the creative process. As a child, I spent hours drawing, coloring, or painting, and when outdoors I was making mud pies.

My life in ministry has been more focused on the healing arts. I believe that caring for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of my patients were somehow rooted in that same longing to be engaged in the creative process.

Now I am privileged to work part-time in Hospice care and part-time in Art Ministry.


The Wilderness

About the artwork:
Focused on this moment in time, I reflect on past moments of grace. Drawing on the sources of prior inspiration, I am challenged to find words to express the transformation taking place.





And So It Goes

About the artwork:
This piece is intended to be a photographic and poetic reflection on integral ecology. I didn’t create it. It was there. I was blessed to see
it and was moved to respond.

We need but eyes to see the world around us. That’s the easy part.
More importantly, we need to discern and assume our place and responsibility in this vast eternal Devine design.