image of SCLA pin
On Friday, March 24, a Mass was celebrated in Ross Chapel at the SCL motherhouse for the 35th Anniversary of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Associates (SCLA). Prior to the Mass, and after, the motherhouse hallways rang with joyous reunions since many associates had not seen the Sisters since before COVID. For the first time in since before the pandemic, the chapel was filled with full-voiced singing with heart-felt yeses as Sisters renewed their vows and Associates renewed their commitments.
Sister Nancy Bauman offered a short reflection on the relationship between the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and Associates, saying, “God has truly done great things for us. How blessed we Sisters and Associates are!! For 35 years we have walked the Gospel path together. We believe and trust that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us.”

The SCL Constitution states: Close collaboration with the laity is reflected in the life and ministry of the sisters so that, in mutuality, the mission of the Church may be furthered by the talents and gifts of all.

Associate Steve Nicely spoke about the SCLs influence in his life. “I am just one example of the thousands who have been influenced by them over the years. How many? An estimated 4,000 SCLs over 164 years. How many lives directly influenced? God only knows. How many indirectly influenced through seceding generations? It must be millions.”

Associates also received a pin with the new SCLA logo. A dinner was provided for all following Mass. Many Associates also gathered on Saturday, March 25, for a morning of connecting, conversing, and collaborating.

Associates also received a pin with the new SCLA logo. A dinner was provided for all following Mass. Many Associates also gathered on Saturday, March 25, for a morning of connecting, conversing, and collaborating.