
“The wall kills families and children. There will be a day when after this wall has come crumbling down we will look back and remember the wall as a monument to hate.”
– Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso

Brief History

The Immigration Interest Group formed as an outgrowth of the interest areas identified at the 2017 Leaven Assembly and as a result of the SCL Community’s stance on comprehensive immigration reform that was adopted in 2012.

The Immigration Interest Group’s priority focus is on sharing resources and information on this complex and intersectional issue. Because immigration is such a large and diverse issue, the interest group shares information on a variety of topics and how they impact local ministries across geographic areas and how others can get involved. A number of Sisters have worked with immigrants at the border and Sisters and Associates have worked in direct ministry with migrants and refugees across the U.S. and worldwide. The interest group has also provided financial and organizational resources to others who are working on migration issues.

The interest group encourages you to use the following resources and to join us in working for justice and human dignity for immigrants and refugees. If you are interested in joining the Immigration Interest Group or learning more about what they do, you can contact the JPIC Office at or 913-758-6564.


  • Accompanying at the Border panel workshop
  • Writing to local Bishops about immigration
  • Writing letters to oppose a variety of proposed rule changes that harmed migrants
  • Encouraging the President and Congress to raise the refugee ceiling